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Fullstack Engineer


  By day, I'm the lead frontend developer at CKC

  By night, I love taking things from an idea to a real application


Powered by GPT-4, Platica is a platform that enhances the communication by integrating real time communication into public chatrooms. While this MVP is still primitive, it showcases the utility of the technology and is used by everybody from ESL instructors, to lovers who don’t share a common tongue. We plan to make this project more robust in the near future, putting together a native app and expanding to our current site’s functionality.


My friend (a property manager by trade) inspired me to build this tool that automates the back and forth between tenants and landlords that any property manager has to deal with. Using GPT-4 and Twilio, tenants can text in their maintenance requests and the system will categorize the issue, get all the critical details, and assign a vendor to fix the issue. From there, it puts the tenant and vendor in contact with each other directly. This bypasses the property manager for the most tedious work.
Background Pattern


Mepop revolutionizes sales tracking for Depop's 11 million users, offering an intuitive tool to analyze profits from CSV files, bypassing the lack of a Depop API. It provides personalized insights for you individual shop -- which items sells best, on which days, to which demographic. Born from personal need and market demand, it simplifies financial oversight for sellers. Created over 5 years ago, I'm fully hands off of this project, and it still continues to serve its ever-growing userbase.

Git Streak Tracker

Built with a buddy of mine, we used this as an exploratory Swift project which actually turned into a usefule tool that I use daily. This IOS app tracks your git contributions while also offering two different widgets that you can fix on your home screen as a reminder to make a contribution that day. It's a gamified way to make sure you code at least a little bit every day.